Ok...Since I have been gone for so long, I have a few pictures and updates. I have been busy with life and things are going great. I feel so blessed. Since the beginning of September I have been substitute teaching and I love it. I am able to work a little, but am still home with Connor for the majority of my time. I have been at a few different schools, but I have two favorites. I am able to sub at those two schools most of the time and have a few teachers who only call me. It is great to be in the same class more than once because you get to know the kids and the class routines. It is so much easier. I am enjoying substitute teaching more than I ever thought I would. I don't have all the stress of my own class, and have been lucky enough to be in great classes with very well behaved students!
My pictures are a little out of order, so I will just explain them as they come. :)
About 2 months ago (sorry, this picture is old), we went to the Olive Garden. This little girl chased Connor all around as we were waiting for our table. She would not leave him alone. It was so funny. She kept grabbing his hand and giving him hugs. He would run as fast as he could to get away from her, but she was always one step ahead of him. After about 5 minutes he finally gave in. It was so entertaining!
Connor was invited to his first real birthday party in October. It was for two little kids in our ward. Their parents went ALL OUT! They had a pinata, a cake walk, cake and ice cream, prize bags, and tons of games. Connor had a blast. Here he is attempting to hit the pinate. He isn't as tough as I had thought. I am definately going to have to have him hit the weights!!
Here he is in the hat he wore for about 30 seconds. Not a fan of hats!! He is taking a picture with his toy camera. SMILE!!
Connor made homemade birthday cards. It was so much fun for me and him. He was able to make cards for both birthday kids and for Aunt Kacy and Uncle Brent whose birthdays were also in October.
We just used scrapbook supplies to put cards together. I would give him the letters and stickers and he put them where he wanted. He also colored a nice picture and then signed is name (with Mommy's help of course). Connor loves coloring. He also loves to learn. He always wants us to read to him and do "ABCs". There is a website called Starfall.com that teaches ABCs. It is Connor's favorite thing. He is learning so much and loves it. He isn't even two and he can already identify 11 letters when I write them on paper (ABCDMOPSTWY)
I am such a slacker. I have no pictures of Connor in his cute spider Halloween costume so for now, this is as good as it is going to get! I forgot to bring the camera on Halloween. This is the hat for his spider costume. My mom got the costume and when we put it on him a month before Halloween he cried and cried. I decided I would make him like it. So, being the manipulative person that I am (heehee), I told him he could only eat breakfast and watch his favorite movie if he wore his hat. If he took it off, I took his food away or turned off the movie. To make a long story short...by Halloween he was in love with his costume and was so excited to put it on! He loved being a spider.
On to the coolest news of all...David and I went to Disneyland!! Yes, you heard right, DAVID and I. No, Connor did not go. We decided go on our own so that we could actually go on rides. We went with an awesome couple in our ward, the Boorens. We had so much fun with them. We went on all the rides so many times. They have two little boys who also stayed behind. This is the first trip David and I have taken together in the last three years. We were also able to go to a taping of The Price Is Right!! If you watch on December 9th, you will see us. We were not called up to the stage, but we were right in the middle of the audience about 3 rows behind the people bidding. Im sure you will see us a lot!!
Here I am with the Bowler Hat Guy. The last time I was at Disneyland was when I was only 6 years old, so I didn't remember much. Since I haven't grown out of childhood yet, I had to get an autograph book and take pictures with all the characters. Jared and Charlotte were so nice to stop and wait for me everytime I saw a Disney character.
Here are our awesome friends. They were so much fun. David and Jared get along great and were both so entertaining. Charlotte and I spent much of our time laughing at their silliness. I really enjoyed our time at Disneyland and wouldn't have picked another couple to go with. They were so down to earth and it was so comfortable (I guess it had to be since we shared a hotel room). Charlotte was always wearing her mickey hat!! I was very impressed. David and I also fell in love with "The Office". We watched tons of episodes on the drive down and back.
Here we are!! GO DISNEYLAND!
My pictures are a little out of order, so I will just explain them as they come. :)
FINALLY....holy Henna it too kyou long enough...lol You look really pretty in your pictures(as always)love you bestie! (:
Yay! Missed stalking you! Your month looks fun and BUSY, but I have to say one thing--that picture of Connor with the HUGE grin and the camera in his hands? He looks SO MUCH LIKE YOU in that picture! I've always thought something about him resembled you, but couldn't figure it out--it's that big smile! He's getting so big and grown-up!
Wow, awesome post! That's so good that you got to take a trip as a couple! And Connor is the cutest little boy. Love the Olive Garden story.
PS--Isn't The Office addictive?! Shaun and I watched the first 3 seasons in a week over the summer. (Embarrassing, I know :)
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