So, if any of you know Connor, you know he is probably the EASIEST little kid and has been that way for his entire (short) life so far. He learns quickly, and does everything we ask him. Since he was a baby people would tell me how well behaved he was, how fast he seemed to learn new things and how lucky I was. I would get people at church, restaurants, and other public places telling me how good he was and how I just didn't understand how easy I had it. At first, I was appreciative of the comments, but also a little annoyed. Everyone knows Connor is good, but only because I am a fabulous mother. DUH!! the last few weeks, I have realized how wrong I was. Connor is just good! That is just his temperament. Now I am a little scared for the next little guy to come along, because I KNOW it cannot be this easy.

I have been hearing horror potty training stories from friends and family, and I have had to keep my mouth shut because I think people will hate me for how unhorrific my experience has been. With Connor, potty training is awesome. I have actually enjoyed it! I can see how quickly he is learning and it is just another step on his way to big-boy-hood. Right after he turned 2 (Beginning of Feb.) I thought I would try to start this daunting task. One day he started going poo in his diaper and I could tell, so I grabbed him and ran to the toilet. He got most of it in his diaper before I arrived at the toilet, but luckily we made it for a last little 'plop' (sorry if this seems gross). We clapped and he got a sticker and a treat. He was so excited! The next day I saw him start pushing in his diaper again and I told him to stop pushing so we could poopoo in the toilet. He stopped, we went to the toilet, and he went. He was so proud and we told every family member we could so Connor knew it was a big deal. To make a long story short, that is how Connor was poopoo potty trained. Since that first time he went in the toilet, I have not changed a poopy diaper. He simply walks up to me and says, "I have to go poopoo Mommy." We calmly walk to the toilet and he goes. Now he is into privacy and actually wants the door closed and everyone out while he does his business. When he is done he yells, "Mommy it plopped" or "Im done" and we go on with our day.
Peepee has been a bit harder because it is harder for him to know when he has to go until it is about to come out. He tries so hard, but often he will tell me he has to go peepee and by the time I get over to him, he has started going. This has led to crying because he is so sensitive. He wants to be a big boy so bad, but he is still learning to sense when he has to go. I have found that if I take him to the toilet every two hours or so, he stays dry and goes everytime I take him. That has been our game plan for awhile and he is now starting to make it when he tells me he needs to. He has been in pull-ups for about a month and we just got some new big-boy underwear. He is so excited to wear them. As soon as the pull-up pack is empty...big-boy we come!
Connor always gets a sticker (Dora or Diego of course) and a little treat (like a smartie). When I first started putting him on the toilet for peepee, I would give him 1 smartie if he "tried" and 3 if he actually went "peepee". I think this really helped him to stay with the program. Now he only gets one if he goes, which is basically everytime. I am really happy it has been so stress free and that he will be trained and used to it before our second one comes in August. All I know is...I am ready for a "regular" kid next, so wish me luck!!
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