Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Anniversary David!

I am so In Love with my husband, David. He truly is the best man I could have ever dreamed of marrying. He loves Connor and I unconditionally and shows us everyday. He works hard at work and then comes home and cooks us dinner. He is a great cook! He is also working incredibly hard to make our home comfortable by doing tons of repairs. He has been a great help to me as I started a new business and am moody and pregnant. I am so blessed to be able to be with him forever. Sometimes I wonder how I was lucky enough to find David. The answer to that is just a reaffirmation that my Heavenly Father loves me. What an enormous blessing David is to me and our family.

David- I love you more than you know! Thank you for being the wonderful husband and father that you are. I am grateful for all the little things you do for our family. You make us feel loved and important. You also help me to love and enjoy life. Thank you! I am so glad that I can spend forever with you!! Happy 4th Anniversary (won't it be weird in the eternities to have anniveraries?? "Happy 2 zillion, 8 million 400 thousandth anniversary honey!")

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