Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Updates and Pictures

I am really loving life. I have a great family, friends, job, etc. I love being a wife and mother. Whoever thinks being a mother isn't reaching you potential or is a waste of time is really missing out on the best life has to offer. Lately things have been uneventful for the most part...but that is the way I like it. Here are some happenings, some exciting...some not so much!
Poor Connor. About a week ago we came home late at night after playing games with my parents. Connor went upstairs and climbed into our bed (he always gets to cuddle with us before going to his own bed for the night) while David and I finished up some things downstairs and locked up the house. All of the sudden we heard a loud bump and Connor started screaming. David ran upstairs and met Connor in the hallway. Blood was gushing (as most head wounds do) and David yelled for me to come upstairs. I saw Connor and literally thought he had cut his actual eye open. Luckily, after the bleeding had stopped it didn't look quite as bad. We didn't know if he would need stitches (this was the first big cut Connor has ever gotten), so we called my parents and they came over to help.
We all decided he probably wouldn't needs stiches, but we had no liquid bandaid, so we used super glue. Super Glue?? You may think that sounds strange, but it works so well at closing cuts. This cut needed to be closed because it bled a lot and it was an area that we couldn't really put a bandaid on...we tried. We actually even tried cutting a bandaid to be smaller but when Connor saw the scissors he screamed "NO!!! Don't cut me!!!"
On the first try at gluing we accidentally glued Davids fingers to Connors face...oops. It actually sounds funny now, but it wasn't then. We finally got the cut closed and glued and David's fingers off of Connor's face and it looked really good. The pictures are taken after the glue. The cut looked much worse before. Connor was VERY happy when the ordeal was over! It is healing nicely.

(Notice the bloody shirt. There was more on our carpet!)

David has really started to enjoy making and decorating cakes. This one was started at about 7:00 at night, so he did not have as much time as he would have wanted. I think it turned out great! This was his first attempt (EVER) at roses!

We are really enjoying having Connor around. He is so much fun. When I am home with him I don't miss the adult world much because he can carry on an adult conversation. He has a huge vocabulary and is so fully of energy. It doesn't hurt that he is ALWAYS happy. Knowing Connor, I know that children come from our Father in Heaven. He is like a little angel! He loves his little brother and is always willing to help. He hasn't shown even an ounce of jealousy. In fact, he thinks I should pay MORE attention to Colby and always brings it to my attention that Colby is crying and needs me.

I love having little Colby around. I cannot believe we have had him for a month and a half already. Time flies!! He is a pretty good baby. We are trying to get him to sleep through the night and were successful the last two! Yippie for Colby! He has a pretty weak stomach which makes him more fussy than I was used to with Connor, but overall he is a great baby. We had to switch him to Soy formula because he threw up the milk based stuff all the time. Even after he eats the Soy he is fussy and it is apparent his tummy hurts him. Sometimes it is tough not to get aggrivated with his crying, but I have to remember that he just isn't feeling good. We are glad he is in our family and we are excited that he will start interacting with us more soon. David was able to bless him the first Sunday of this month. It was a great blessing!

Finally, things are still moving forward with our house, even if it is going slower than before. David and his dad got the grass seed planted in our front yard last night! I am so excited to finally have grass!!! I never realized how much time it took to rake and roll the dirt flat and level. David has been working on it for a couple of weeks. Now on the the backyard!!


Dave & Melissa said...

Poor guy. I'm glad he's OK! I LOVE your blog. How did you get your Title and the pictures to look so cool?

Jill said...

Poor little Conner! He looked so sweet and pitiful in those pictures! And Colby is a doll too! You guys do great! Oh, and I understand the formula thing and Colby's problems--I had the same issues with Byron as a baby, and we switched him to soy as well. Didn't completely solve the horrible gas problems--he was obviously very uncomfortable still! The only thing that helped was serious belly massages, which don't feel good at all for the baby when their tummy hurts, but after 5 or 10 minutes, he would start passing gas like crazy FINALLY and feel much better! We even added a few drops of Mylicon to each bottle to help, but the belly rubs do the best! Good luck, lindsay!

Jill said...

:o) Ayden's almost 17 months old, so he is barely a baby anymore :*( I really don't like it. I miss my baby really bad!!! Byron and Ayden are like reversals of Conner and Colby--Byron was a really good baby, but very gassy and had a lot of problems with formula until he was about 5 or 6 months old. That was the only problem we ever had with him, but as a first time mom, it was frustrating! Especially in the middle of the night! Ayden was nursed though, and had no problems with tummy aches or anything. We would do the bicycle thing with his legs as part of the massage, but we really pushed his little thighs/knees into his belly more than you ever see in those parenting books or whatever. Those always act like simply moving their legs around will help, but they don't!! My mom hated watching us do our "massage" because she thought we were too rough, but it never actually hurt him. It just wasn't comfortable on his little gassy belly, but once he started farting up a storm, life was good! And he slept like a dog right afterward because he felt so good! So I think if he could have said so, he'd have said it was worth it!!! ;o) Hope this helps! He's a beautiful little boy, just like his big brother!

Anna said...

You should talk to Shawn's wife, Stacey about what formula she used with Kaylee. Kaylee had horrible stomach issues, but they found a formula that appeased even the likes of her intestinal tract.