Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Loving My Buddy and My Cousins!

Connor was able to go to Fiddlers Green with my dad the other day. They brought a few of Connors clubs so he could practice!

Making Contact

Follow Through

Connor LOVES his grandpa! He gets excited anytime he can go somewhere with his "buddy". Grandpa is taking time to teach Connor golf, baseball (he is a great batter!), football (mostly kicking since I don't want him to die) and basketball. Connor loves being a sports boy! Most days he picks out his outfit of choice based on the sport he likes the best that particular day. I hear things like, "I am a basketball boy" or "Mommy, I have to wear my golf cleats today!?" It is so funny!

Connor was so excited today! His cousin Andrew came over to play. They made and decorated sugar cookies, watched Thomas The Train (a favorite for both boys), ran and danced to some of Connors music, played with toys, made Thanksgiving Turkeys (pictured), and ate lunch. They love playing together! Not to long ago, they really couldn't play together and would only fight. It has gotten so much better and there are only little arguments here and there. They love having a cousin to play with!
Here they are with their turkeys.

When Tina and Brooke came to get Andrew we all decided to go for a walk. It was really fun. All the kids had to have their sunglasses on (it was a sunny day!). Makes for a cute picture!

Connor and Andrew and playing while Connor's music plays in the background!

Moral of this post...I LOVE LIVING CLOSE TO FAMILY!!


Brandi said...

OOH, Is that your prettiful new kitchen you guys worked so hard on?

Lanette said...

Oh how cute! I love that your immediate family all lives so close to each other. It sounds like Connor is well on his way to being an incredible athlete =)