Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My friend Sarah did this on her blog, and I thought it was neat, so I'm gonna do it on mine!
Here are the rules:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember (as long as its nice)!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Aren't memories fun! Can't wait to see...


Sarah Peterson said...

haha, those are some funny memories you left on my blog. Thinking of the hot-tub... Remember when we had the bikini top, and took pictures in it thinking we were SOO scandelous wearing a bikini! And also I remember it was a snow day and we all went hot-tubbing and ran around in the snow doing snow angels etc until the hottub got filthy so then we decided to give Maggy the dog a bath in there too! sick!! I also remember throwing snowballs at DAve Eldredge in our swimm suits..

Brandi Clark said...

Oh man, no bad memories of Bobby, he was a nice guy. Haven't seen him in forever though. I remember when we had a party at your house with just like 5 of us and we sat and popcorn on your trampoline and got it everywhere and then jumped around. :)

Tiffany said...

Laughing... a lot! And now I can't think of the movie but singing the song to some movie about these old women friends and fighting over who was the blonde girl in the painting I gave you before I moved. AND..making some ghost out of styrofoam and trying to scare your sisters with it when I slept over. Oh man, those memories are fun to think about. And NO- I haven't been through Springfield yet. So we need to get in touch and meet up THIS saturday if you're going to be around.

Anonymous said...

I remember being in the hot tub with you and giving you all kinds of hot moves to use on the boys while away at college. Remember the leg swing over moves we worked on?
Guess who?

Karen K. said...

Ok. The only memory I have that is worth sharing (if you can call it that) is that conversation we had in Sarah's room before Sarah got married and after you did... I'm sure I need to say no more and knowing how word gets around probably everyone who reads this knows what I'm talking about anyway. I do wish I could clarify some things I said though (then again I don't!) A few things I said just came out totally wrong and every time I think of them I cringe! I don't know about you, but Sarah probably wanted to crawl under a rock or something... With love from your "other mom." (It's hard for me to hit that "Publish your comment" button right now!)

Blevins family of three said...

wow we have so many... i really love our our singing videos, our tp ing connors house, dying my hair leaving a nice big blind spot on my head, WHAT IF!!...i loved that game, prom night on your back porch eating pizza!...chad chasing us around the house, i remember sleeping on your trampoline..okay so there is about 15 years of memories so i could keep going, but i won't!!

Hailey & Jared said...

I remember when you ruined the moment I had been waiting for my whole life! hahaha Burke Mouser
back seat
"Get off my sister"
hahahaha oh man....good times! Thanks for being so protective over me....maybe one day I'll forgive you for that! (:

Peter and Andrea said...

I remember calling you Myrtle at Girls Camp. And you thinking Molly and I were absolutely weird.