Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Vampire Beauties

Me, Hailey and Kacy were able to go to the Breaking Dawn book release party. Of course we had to dress up. I was Tanya, Hailey was Rosalie and Kacy was Leah Clearwater??. Anyway, it was lots of fun. Here is a picture.


Karen K. said...

I love it! How did you decide who you were going to be? So how was the party? I'm about 3/4 finished with Breaking Dawn. I'm hoping I'm not too frustrated with the ending. I wouldn't even be thinking that if Emily hadn't told me she was a bit disappointed. I just want to go read but I'm at work and supposed to be working--not blogging! It's my 10-minute break ;)

NYTON DAZE said...
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NYTON DAZE said...

I want to be your sister. You girls all have so much fun together. You make "Hot Vampires"!!! I bet pillows are being torn up all over Springfield;)