Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Go Ducks, Go Potty, Happy Birthday

I had a great 23rd birthday on Saturday. I didn't have a lot planned which is exactly what I like! I went to garage sales in the morning with my mom and then relaxed all day! My Grandma Stephens took the family out to eat to celebrate Chad's birthday on Sept. 1st and mine on August 30th. We went to Hole in the Wall BBQ. It was good food. Afterwards, we went back to my parent's home for cake, ice cream and the Duck game! The game was great. I am so happy football season is back again. Here are a few pictures of the day.

Connor is sitting on the toilet. I say "sitting" because that is all he is doing. He went pee one time, but he doesn't really know how to "turn it on" yet. He loves sitting on the big boy toilet though. He was ready for the game with his Duck hat and onesie.

Snacking during the game!

Connor and Mommy

Building a tower.

What a cutie!!


Sarah Peterson said...

Happy Birthday! (late...sorry) I did remember, but alas, I didn't do much about it. Rats... Anyway- Connor is SO cute!! He is growing up way too fast.

Jill said...

Happy belated birthday! :) Your little boy is getting SO BIG! Cuter and cuter, too! What a pretty little boy :) Good post--my main reason for being against old B.O. is the abortion issue as well--abortion makes me sick! I just can't imagine...ok, I can't think too much about it or I get all worked up!

Karen K. said...

He is so darling! He has such an engaging little grin. His countenance just shines! He looks so HAPPY!

Unknown said...

Those pics of Connor and you are priceless! You two are so happy and cute.