Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lets Have A Tea Party!

The following is from an email I just received. I thought I would share it! Hope to see you there.


People in Oregon are fed up, and they aren't going to take it anymore! Across this state on April 15, local Chapters of Americans for Prosperity are helping organize "Taxpayer Tea Parties" because our government is taxing too much, spending too much and borrowing too much, flying in the face of America's founding ideals.

It's time to "Revive the Revolution" in this nation, and send a message to Washington, DC and Salem that policies that increase our taxes to bail out corporations or force responsible homeowners to subsidize irresponsible borrowers are not acceptable. We need to reverse course so that we can preserve the opportunities and prosperity that come with personal freedom.

On April 15, a Taxpayer Tea Party will take place in Eugene. We urge you to attend this important event. The larger the crowd, the stronger the message. Please plan to join us!

Wednesday, April 15 - Eugene/Springfield

5:30 pm - Gather at Gateway Buffet Restaurant, 3198 Gateway in Springfield

6:00 pm - March to Gateway Post Office for Rally

Please bring some unused tea bags and a home-made sign appropriate for this family-friendly event, centered on our themes:


Revive the Revolution!

Liberty is all the stimulus we need!

No public $ for private failures!

Repeal the spending, taxing and debt - or retire!

Local AFP Contact: Jay Bozievich - jay@ebdgraphics.com

See you there!

1 comment:

Carina & Dan said...

We will see you there ! Hopefully there is a good turnout