We have been pretty busy lately at the Marchant home. Moving into our first home in November, we have had a lot of work to do, including new carpet and other flooring, painting everywhere, some new doors and hardware, taking down a deck and cover and quite a few other little projects...but nothing compared to this. We have decided to take on the kitchen. For the past two weeks we have not really been able to use the kitchen and don't plan on being done for another three or four weeks. Microwaved food is getting old!!

Our ceiling was a false ceiling, which made the kitchen feel very closed in, so we (David) took it down.

If you look closely you can see David up there.

So far we have taken out large windows and put in smaller ones to make room for a new sink and countertop on the opposite side of the kitchen. David, his dad and his brother Alan have all been working off and on. They have put the sheet rock on the ceiling and put in new recessed lighting (much nicer than the 5x6 florecent lighting in the false ceiling). There is still SO much work to do before the new cabinets arrive in 2 weeks, but we are excited!

Andrew and Connor were helping their Daddies and grandpa work on the siding and windows that left a big hole in our home for a few days. Imagine sleeping at night with a hole in the back of your house that is only covered with plastic. SCARY!! We lucked out with warm weather though.

The boys taking a break from all that work.

On to another subject. I have started a small business and needed a new laptop for it. I am basically doing the same thing I was 2 years ago with car dealerships and am slowly buying the area. Connor and I had fun using the web camera to take pictures and videos.

I will update you with more kitchen stuff as we go. Wish us luck!
I wish I could get a new kitchen...lucky. Hope everything continues to work out your way. Wish David "Happy Birthday" from us.
hey lindsay! i finally got internet and now i'm having fun looking at blogs! how cute is your baby's room! how creative are you guys! maybe you should be on "cami's craft corner". did i teach you everything you know? j/k
i'm excited for you to have 2 kids, it really is even more fun than one, and not that much harder! I'm glad to see everything is going well.
Okay, when you guys first started talking about working on your kitchen...I HAD NO IDEA OF THE EXTENT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT....holy renovation! It's awesome that David and family have the skills to do that....and the energy, patience, and gusto. Your house looks great. Every time I walk in, I get such a great feeling. Way to go!
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