Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Boys

Here are just a few quick photos of my little boys. I have been a little down and out lately so I will put up some better ones soon (these were taken on the web cam so they are blurry). This week has seemed to fly by...yet drag on. Colby has been such a great addition to our family so far. He is a great baby, just like Connor was. On Sunday and Monday he SCREAMED everytime he was awake. I took him to the Dr. on Tuesday (5 days old) and he had lost more weight. To make a long story short, he was dehydrated and basically STARVING because I have such a low milk supply. The same thing happened with Connor but I thought I would give it a try with Colby. All I can say is that he is a completely different baby now that he has food (formula) in his tummy. I am so glad he is more comfortable. I will definately start with formula on the next more torturing these little guys! Colby is always cooing and grunting. He makes noise constantly...but it is always quiet noise, which I appreciate.
Connor is doing a great job adjusting to Colby being home. He really hasn't shown signs of jealously or wanting more attention. He is lucky to have so many people around to love him. Aunt Hailey even bought a whole "play" basket while we were at the hospital! It was great. He has been excited to take on more responsibilty and become a big boy. He is doing a great job of listening and helping me. His favorite job is wiping the milk mustache off of Colby's face when we feed him. He really is a proud big brother. He has also been so good about the fact that I cannot hold or pick him up because of the c-section. Boy do I miss cuddling this little guy.
Finally, I cannot say enough about David. He is the BEST husband. He has been awake for far too many hours taking care of me and my c-section issues and then feeding and helping feed (when I was nursing) Colby when I couldn't do much at all. One night when I was trying to feed Colby, David was just sitting there awake (like he did every single time) with me as I struggled to get him to eat. I told him that he could lay down and try to sleep but he told me he felt bad because I had to be awake. I think he can tell when I need his support and he has really made things easier. I have to say that although I dodged the labor part of having a baby, the recovery of a c-section is not much fun either! I can't wait until I can be back to normal and take care of myself so David can have a break!
Things are happy and we are loving our family!! I love saying "we need to put the boys in the car" or "did you check on the boys". My family is growing and I couldn't be happier!!


shortandsweet said...

Thanks for the pictures!

Whitmer Family said...

Lindsay and David! Congratulations on such an adorable little boy! He really is so cute...just like his big brother! Isn't it crazy to see your family's awesome!

Dave & Melissa said...

Wow, they look so much alike! What adorable boys. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Sarah Peterson said...

aww- poor Colby not getting anything to eat. Shucks, I wish the breast-feeding went easier for you. Your boys are so cute. My e-mail
I use for blogger is Love ya!

Conforti Family said...

you have some cute cute boys! You say boys and i say girls, kinda funny!

Brandi said...

I think I healed faster with my second c-section so I can relate to the surgery and the nursing problems. Sometimes a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do. Sounds like you are doing what is best for your baby. Just a side note, it was only around 6 weeks before I could pick up my boys again!