Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Hair!

My lovely little sister Hailey did my hair a few days ago! I was feeling pretty nasty and I am so grateful that she could help me. Anyone who has had a baby may know how I feel. It is three weeks after delivery and you are feeling huge! I cannot fit into my prepregnancy clothes and I just felt gross. Having a new hair cute and dye makes me feel much better. At least my head can look good if my body can't! heehee. Thanks Hays! (Connor had no trouble posing with me for my pictures! He loves getting his picture taken. Silly boy!)


Goss Family said...

Love the hair!! :)

Hailey & Jared said...

you're welcome love!

Brandi said...

Sweetie, I know exactly how you feel. That post c-section month can be awful. Just remember to get lots of rest and you will feel back to normal very soon. Oh, and the haircut is very cute. I'm trying to get brave enough to dye my hair!