...The Wind Blows
...The Wolves Howl
...The Bugs Creep
...Colby Sleeps
...Yes, Colby Sleeps! We figured it out...FINALLY!
So, I am one of those moms that most people thinks are mean! At 8 weeks Connor was sleeping through the night. So, we decided that we would start Colby sleeping through the night at 6 weeks (I NEED my sleep). So, at 6 weeks, instead of feeding him when he would wake up, we let him cry! Now, normally this should be a short process (It was with Connor)...Not with Colby. He just cries and cries and cries. He doesn't stop after 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes or even 45 minutes. So for the last month and a half, instead of feeding him every night, or letting him cry, we would quickly go in and put his pacifier back into his mouth when he would start to fuss. We thought he would "Get It" and he would sleep through the night after a few days. Well, that has not worked...until 4 nights ago that is. David decided to leave Colby's night light off so that his room was COMPLETELY dark at night. When we woke up in the morning we realized he did not wake up once! At first we were worried, so we both went into his room and found he was just fine! We did the same thing the next night. No night light= Colby sleeping through the night AGAIN. We have done the same thing and every single night he has slept without waking up once. I guess he probably could have slept straight through the nights earlier if we knew he liked being...IN THE DARK!
That is too funny!
ha ha! You crack me up!!!! Both of my boys are the same way--in fact, I had to tape thick, black craft paper to their windows to keep out the light so they wouldn't wake up with the sun every morning!!! Sleep must feel so good for you right now!!! ;o)
Funny. Like Jill says her boys sleep way better in darkness...me never matters. I can sleep with a torture light shining in my face.
I'm glad you figured it out and sorry that it took so long! He's so cute though--I'd stay up with him! ;)
haha! Well at least you figured it out!
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