Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I love this site! . It is great to do pictures and word art if you do not have one of those amazing, but expensive programs...which I don't! To do word art, just save a blank white page in your paint program. Then...up load it to Picnik and add cute text. Hailey showed me the site and I love it. Another site that is good is . You have to do a download for, but it is worth it. Here is a picture I took today and "fixed" in Picnik.


Andrea said...

oh so cute! I'll have to try it out. thanks!

Valerie said...

Wow, that's awesome! I'll have to use that when I put together my son's pictures!! Thanks for sharing. :-)

Karen K. said...

They are so cute. I think I used that program once but forgot about it. I need to remember it. :)

Sarah Peterson said...

I've recently discovered picnik too.. I love it! It is so fun and simple!