Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Book of Mormon

We recently had a lesson in Sunday School about how the Book of Mormon is important for people of all ages...even infants. We learned that everyone can feel the spirit that is felt as the words in the Book of Mormon are read. Connor is 3, and definitely not an infant, but I really do have a testimony that it is important to teach your children early.

Throughout our marriage, David and I have not been very good at having a family scripture study. A few months ago, we decided to start and read 10 verses a day. We have missed a few days, but try our best to get it done. After the first week, Connor would come into our room and say, "Its time for scripture study." He always wants to say the opening prayer and ask Heavenly Father to help us learn.

We read about Lehi and his dream a few weeks ago. That was followed by Nephi praying to see the same dream. Heavenly Father answered his prayer.

Today, a few weeks after reading that story, Connor made some interesting comments at breakfast time. He looked at me and said,"Mom, I am going to say my prayer to Heavenly Father tonight and ask him if I can see Nephi's dream." I told him that he could ask Heavenly Father that if he wanted to. Then he said, "Well, then I can talk to the Lamb of God." Now, in Nephi's dream he did not talk to the Lamb of God, but that is just another bit of scripture that Connor picked up. It was so cute, and I felt really good as a parent at that moment. Sometimes I worry about what will happen to my children with all the wickedness in the world. Will they fall away or will they be strong? As I looked at Connor today, I had this feeling that as long as I do my part and teach them, they will be ok.

I am happy to say that I KNOW a 3 year old can understand scripture, even if it is in a much smaller scale than the rest of us. This isn't the first time Connor has commented randomly about something we read about in the Book of Mormon or Bible. I love it! I am really going to keep this up!


Blevins family of three said...

That is so cool! He is such a bright smart boy! Good job!

Groovy Gardners said...

um okay....That AWESOME! I'm going to go out and buy Hazel her very own BOM! great job lindsay!

Andrea said...

Loved this post!

Rach said...

That is so precious!!!