Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas is Coming

We are so excited for Christmas-time! I love it I love it I love it! The boys love it too.

To start off, here is a picture of the boys in the sled when we had our 1/8 inch of snow! Yippie! They thought it was awesome! Connor declared, "Mom, it is Christmas today! It snowed!" I had to set him straight, and he was obviously a little disappointed.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving (at David's parents home). It was a great day, and I have no pictures to show for it...oops!

We (Connor and I) decorated for Christmas before Thanksgiving. Sad...I know! But don't judge me, because I like Christmas decorations around my house! Besides, they are down on Jan. 1st. I would rather put them up early than leave them up through January. Here are a few pictures of the boys before church last week.

Colby is loving all the Lights, Ornaments, etc! I am not loving that he is loving them SO much. He takes AT LEAST 5 ornaments off the tree each day. Ugh.

I know it is blurry, but I just love this picture!

Connor is a pro at the Christmas thing. He is such a good boy. Two weeks ago he passed off the last of the 13 Articles of Faith. We are so proud of him and he is very proud of himself. We have now started working on Jesus' Chrismas Present. Connor and I are memorizing "The Living Christ" proclamation. We are about 1/6 of the way through. I am amazed at how quickly he learns and memorizes things. He is excited to say "The Living Christ" to Jesus on Christmas morning!

Connor was such a good boy trying to pose with Colby over and over so we could get a good shot of them both! This is the best we got. Colby is a mover and a shaker and is almost impossible to pose for a picture!

He sure thought the tree was awesome! He didn't, however,like that I didn't let him help wrap presents! He was quite mad at me as you can see below!

I love my boys! They are awesome. I am so excited to spend the holidays with them! Yahoo!

1 comment:

Dave & Melissa said...

I love Christmas too, it's my favorite. Don't be embarrassed, i had my decorations up the day after Thanksgiving and I started listening to Christmas music a week BEFORE Thanksgiving. LOL. Connor is so amazing at memorizing! I am sooo impressed. I think it's great you encourage it because it makes him even better at it! Well done! I wish I had a brain like that!