BEWARE---LOTS OF PICTURES! has been 2 months since I last posted. Pathetic...I know. This is my catch-up post in no particular order.
David has been carving elaborate pumpkins the last few years. This year's project...OUR FAMILY! Our friend took family photos for us. We used those as inspiration. Below are the pumpkins and some of the wonderful pictures Erin took.

Connor and Colby
I love the pictures Erin took of the boys. They really capture their personalities.

David and Lindsay
I know, we are good-looking. Don't need to tell me! hehe.
Love this one, and love Colby!
Connor ALWAYS picks flowers for me. He is such a gentleman. He even opens doors. What a catch!
My handsome husband. Erin did quite a photo shoot for David. He was enjoying being a model for the day!
We are a happy family! Love it!
Before Halloween (Friday), we went to the Springfield City Center Offices with Leslie (sister-in-law), her son Michael, our friend Andrea and her son Cooper (he is the cute cowboy). We had a good time together and the boys (No girls for any of us yet...and Andrea is due with another boy in 4 weeks) got a little extra Trick or Treat time in since Halloween was on a Sunday and we weren't going to be going on the Sabbath.
left to right: Leslie, Michael, Colby, Connor, Cooper
Me and the boys. Colby's hood didn't stay on took long. He couldn't stand it...can ya blame him?
Leslie and little Michael (who has the longest, prettiest eyelashes in the world!)
Crazy Connor. I just love his silly personality. He always makes me laugh and keeps life interesting. Right now he is stuck on saying knock knock jokes (which he makes up himself).
Some of his favorites:
Knock Knock
Whose There?
Jerry Who?
Jerry Cragos!
(Don't ask who Jerry Crago is, because I don't know)
Knock Knock
Whose There?
Rock who?
Rock lets get the chalk, lets get it around the clock!
Knock Knock
Whose there?
Leaf who?
Leaf me alone!
(The ONLY one that makes sense thanks to mom!)
I got to go the the Oregon/UCLA game with Chad and my Dad. It was awesome. I had so much fun. Funny: Chad came straight from work and didn't think through the whole we are playing UCLA thing! What did he wear to work AND the game...a UCLA blue shirt. I almost died! He is silly. I am so excited because I get to go with my parents to the next few home games. Yahoo!!!! I am so excited. Being in Autzen Stadium is awesome.
Me and my brother...who I love. He is awesome and I am so glad he doesn't live far away anymore!
Connor and his pre-school friends had a field trip to the pumpkin patch. Four of my friends and their kids are doing a pre-school co-op. Once every 5 weeks we get to host pre-school at our house on two days (only 2 hours). Connor is LOVING it!
Connor is getting ready to look for a pumpkin. He got to pick whatever one he could carry. He found one, but ended up switching when we got back to the main farm stand after the hay ride. He went from a classic round one to a lumpy bumpy one as he called it.
left to right: Jude, Violet (in preschool), Ellie (in preschool), Connor, Andrew, Connor.
Only 3 of the 5 preschool kids made it, but we had a blast.
My mom was so nice to come with us to help with Colby. Anyone that knows Colby knows that he needs undivided attention. He likes to run away and explore. When you call for him to come to you, he RUNS the opposite direction. Gotta love Colby!
Here is Colby always. This time he found a stick and he had a blast exploring. There were animals at the farm (a donkey, goats, pigs, ducks and hens). Colby went up to each animal and mooed like a cow. That is the only animal sound he knows besides a dog, so I guess he just wanted to talk to the animals!
We got to host pre-school for the week of Halloween. On Monday, we had normal pre-school. This is a picture of what Connor looked like welcoming his friends in the morning. On Wednesday we had a Halloween party and the kids dressed up. We had a good time.
We were able to have the missionaries over to carve pumpkins. They wanted to carve a picture of the mission president and wife, so David offered to teach them. We love having the missionaries over...especially Connor. He is excited to me a missionary.
Connor and his pumpkin. He is trying to mimic his lumpy bumpy pumpkin's face.
Here are our awesome missionaries working hard!
We wanted to take advantage of the beautiful September and October weather we have been blessed with before the rain. We were able to go on lots of walks in the last two months. The boys both love being outside.
Connor posing at the park.
Colby, on a rare occasion when he actually enjoyed swinging.
Getting ready to walk to the park. We are lucky to have 3 parks within walking distance!
Ok...this next picture may make you laugh, but I HAD to. I want a girl baby (I still love my boys though!!). My mom, Jessica (sister-in-law) and I decided to dress up Colby and Jet (Colby's cousin who is only 3 weeks older) in a dress. Colby was so cute and looked just like me as a baby. hehe. He would be such a cute girl. Sorry Colby!
Isn't he...I mean she cute?
Some silly pictures:
Colby enjoying some bread. He LOVES to eat...ALL the time. Sometimes I just don't feel like making him anything, so he gets bread. He doesn't mind, obviously!
On this day I told Connor to go take a nap. I told him he could pick his bed or my bed. This is what I found when I went upstairs. I was surprised, because usually he sleeps with MAYBE one stuffed animal. It must have taken him a little planing to carry all his "friends", some toys and books in to my room for his nap.
David and I have gone to the temple a record # of times (for us) this year. I am pretty sure we have gone 6 times now. We always have fun together and I love getting to spend a whole day with him, without the kids, every now and then. We have been lucky to have friends and family go with us on many of these trips!
Waiting for our food at Claim Jumper. We love this place.
Leslie, Blair and Jessica got to come with us this time!
(Leslie and Blair are married. Leslie is David's sister. Jessica and Blair are siblings. Jessica is married to my brother. Weird! Love it!)
wow- Colby looks JUST like you as a baby girl!!! hahaha. Poor Colby. I still can not believe Davids talent when it comes to pumpkin carving. I mean seriously- I can barely carve out a smiley face. It is so amazing what he can do!!
LOVE the pumpkins. We had an array...pirate, yoda, x-wing and one with the stem as the nose and crazy toothpick hair. We were just glad to have grown our own this year.
The pumpkins are awesome, and yes Colby was a very cute little girl!! That was so funny to see him in a dress, they will be nice blackmail pictures when he is older! So fun, I wish I lived closer!
That was the cutest post ever! You are so blessed with such a beautiful family and I LOVE having a preschool co-op with you. You guys are great!
Great post!
I'm glad you're so happy. Your post made me happy! And yeah, Colby looks like you. The pumpkins are astounding! How did the missionaries pumpkin turn out anyway?
Colby is so going to get back at you for that picture. Also Ken and I appreciate you explaining the family connection because we have heard reference to the trifecta before but didn't fully understand the connections.
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