Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's A...


Yes, another boy. I am very happy to be having another boy and can't wait to set up another little nursery. Boys are least so far. Thanks to all who voted.


The Simmons Bunch said...

Congrats on another boy! Two boys are a TON of fun. I love my boys! It is SO much fun! Not to mention handy-me downs are great!

Karen K. said...

No, it can't be a boy! I voted pink! Oh well, I guess you can have a'll just have to have the girl next time. :) My other friend found out today that she's having a girl and she's naming her Emma. (If it was a boy it would have been Connor!)

Congratulations! You have cute boys and I can't wait until he's here. :)

Diana said...

Yay! Congratulations! At least you have all boy stuff so this one will be a lot cheaper I am sure! I'm so happy for you!!!

Chad and Jessica said...

YAY! Okay, I'm really excited cuz our little boys will be playmates and be SOOOO close in age, it's ridiculously perfect! time! I forget what names you like. I hope it was a wonderful day for you and David. : )

Brandi said...

Woohoo I was right! I'm glad you are having another boy. I love having two boys. Now we are having a girl and it makes it all the more special. I hope you are doing well. Congratulations!

Shaun said...

Congrats! That'll be great for Connor. :)

Anonymous said...

Lindsay! I found your blog! Congrats on boy number two! We have a boy first and all I want is another boy next. Connor is a cutie so I know this new addition will be as well!

Blevins family of three said...

Yeah! Thats so fun! No matter what it would be exciting!!Congrats!!

Rach said...

yay congrates!

Sarah Peterson said...

drats I didn't get my vote in!! I was going to say boy (really, honest!) I think 2 of the same sex in a row is pretty nice! you already have the stuff and they can be friends!!

Goss Family said...

Congrats!! That's so exciting!

Christine said...

yeah! :)

Kelli said...

Congrats Lindsay! I'm excited to see the new addition to your family in a few months! :)