Friday, June 19, 2009

I want my baby and body back NOW!!

So...for those of you who have been pregnant, you probably remember at one point feeling like you were DONE!! I am at that point already. I just want my baby and I want my body to be normal again! All the sudden I got HUGE and I feel like I can't do anything or move. I am not very excited about the hot weather of July, but I guess I will get through somehow. I have some comfort in knowing the exact day that I will deliver (by c-section), which is August 6th...but it still seems so far away! I am hoping these next weeks fly by so I can have a baby and start the recovery process. Ok...enough whining...I just had to vent!! AHHHH


Sarah Peterson said...

I understand. It will be here so soon! August 6 is our wedding anniversary! Good luck with the last few months. They are some of the hardest!

Diana said...

I know exactly how you feel! I don't know how I am going to do my next pregnancies. . . maybe we'll just have one kid!

Brandi said...

Oh sweetie. I was just there and I felt that way about 2 months before I gave birth. That last month or so is the hardest. Just remember that you get a precious gift for all of your hard work. The last few weeks never flew by for me. Oh, and my second son was scheduled for March 30th, and came March 26th (c-section). Maybe he will come early! But not too early.