Saturday, January 9, 2010

January Update

Things have been going good for us this year. I am liking 2010 already! Connor is such a good boy and he is learning so much. Colby just keeps growing...I don't know how that happens so fast!

Connor: Connor is spunky and energetic. He loves to run, jump, dance and climb. He LOVES sports of any kind and regularly pretends he is on a team. He will randomly say, "Mom, my coach needs me in the game!" or "Mom, coach doesn't want me to sit on the bench, my team needs me." Then he will proceed to run off and play his chosen sport. Grandpa Durfee has taken him golfing a few times, to fiddler's green to hit balls, and to High School basketball games and practices. I am so glad my dad does that. I grew up in the gym because my dad was always coaching and I wish my kids could all have that experience!
Connor also loves to learn! When I tell him it is time to read a book he will say, "But I can't read. Can you teach me?" I have told him that he can just look at the book and read the pictures, but he isn't satisfied with that. His attention span is like that of a kindergartner so...he is participating in "school". He knows all the letters and each sound. When I tell him a word, he can tell me what letter it starts and ends with. He already knows how to separate sounds in a word, which is hard to learn! He just picked it up. He is close to reading SIMPLE three letter words. I don't know how he does it. I am NOT sitting down with him daily to teach him to read. He will simply come up to me every few days and say, "Mom, it is time for school." He is so funny. He has learned how to write his name already, but he does it backwards (from right to left). I think this may have to do with the fact that he is left handed like him mommy!
Connor also LOVES his little brother. I am so glad he has become so attached to Colby. He is ALWAYS trying to hold Colby's hand. It is so funny. He loves to spend time with his cousins. They are his best friends.

Colby: Colby is a joy to have around. He is NOT a mellow baby like Connor was. With Connor I just thought, "I must be such a good mom." Now that Colby has come along I truly see that their personalities are with them from an early age...and there is only so much you can do. Colby is either crying (screaming) or smiling. He has extremes. Because of that, it is not hard to coax a smile out of him. If you smile at him, he will smile back. I love his little smile. Often he will make a high pitched squeak when he smiles. We haven't gotten very many giggles yet, but with how much he smiles during the day, I am happy with that.
Colby LOVE his big brother. He smiles at Connor more than anyone else. Anytime he even SEES Connor, he will smile. He will watch his big brother run and jump and dance around the room and he is so content. I think they will have a great relationship as they grow.
Colby is really close to sitting up. He does not want to lay down. He wants to see and know what is going on all the time. He either has to be sitting in his bumbo, his jumper or be held. He is the complete opposite of Connor as a baby. We really love Colby and that love grows every day.

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. My husband is awesome. David is such a hard worker, and with the way the economy is, I am not worried because even if something goes wrong, David will work his tail off to provide for our family. The boys absolutely adore their daddy. David loves being a dad and is so involved. He feeds and changes Colby just as often as me. He also makes dinner and helps with laundry. I married such an amazing man!

Here are some pictures from the past week:

Connor got a dress up box for Christmas and is using his brother as a model.

Chad and his basketball team (La Pine) came down to play against Pleasant Hill. We were able to go and Chad asked my dad if he would sit on the bench and assist. It was great to see them coaching together. I love my brother so much and it wasn't until he came down that I realized how much I miss him. I wish I could see him everyday again! (sorry for the bad quality picture. Chad and Dad are in the corner of the gym watching the team warm up before the game.)

Connor LOVES his Uncle Chad and was so excited to go and cheer for La Pine!

Connor always wants to help with Colby. These are some of the things he will do regularly to help
-Put Colby's pacifier in if he starts crying.
-Read him a book (show him pictures).
-Dance or sing for his brother.
-Snuggle with his brother.
-Go get anything from Colby's room I need (diapers, socks, shoes, bibs, pjs, blankets, etc.)
-And occasionally try to help us feed him!

Another costume from big brother Connor!


Andrea said...

I'm loving the clown hair on Colby! Thanks for updating! I can't believe that Lydia and Connor are the same age because he seems so far AHEAD of her! she's not even potty trained yet! You're such a good mom! (great to hang out with you guys last night by they way!)

Karen K. said...

Wow, how am I supposed to remember everything I want to comment on? That's a looooong post.

You are so so so sooooooo blessed to have Connor. He is one-in-a-million. Truly. Of course you ARE a good mom and David's a good dad and all ;) but wow, what a kid! I've had my own, I've got nearly-perfect grandkids, I've babysat, I've dealt with friends' kids, and well, yep, Connor is one-in-a-million! He is so sweet, so cute, so loving, so kind, so everything good. Oh, and he is obviously going to be very athletic. (Yay!)

And Colby. I just want to eat him up! I see him in church with you and I just want to grab him and have him smile at me. I love his little bald head. :)

Tim says that Connor's dress-up box is awesome. I love the pics of Colby all dressed up. I don't blame him for not looking very happy about the clown hat though. hahahahaha. Thanks for sharing the pics and the video. Love ya!

shortandsweet said...

Those cute boys are growing up fast.

Dave & Melissa said...

Wow, Conner is so SMART! How fun! Your boys are so cute. I agree with you that life with kids has a lot to do with their personalities, but I think it has even more to do with parenting skills. You guys are clearly amazing parents. Keep up the good work!

Jill said...

The pictures are great! Colby is PRECIOUS! Those round, pink cheeks and big eyes--he's going to be a looker, just like his big brother! Good job, Lindsay! ;o)

Sarah Peterson said...

Colby really does look a lot different then Connor! Connor and Colby are so darling. Connor seems to be SOO sweet from what I read and hear. I wish we lived closer so Liv and him could be friends! Connor is SOO smart! You must be a very good mom, and I KNOW you must teach him lots. You are a fabulous mom!!