Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Colby

I am so happy to have Colby in our family! He is more fun every day! Connor adores him and is always wanting to hold Colby's hand...which can get a little annoying (but so cute).

Here is a little bit about Colby:

1. He is a RED head.
2. That head is pretty lopsided! he he
3. He has dark blue eyes. About 1/2 the people I talk to think they will turn brown, the others think they will remain blue.
4. He is a good sleeper.
5. He goes CRAZY when I feed him solid foods. He loves them and is a really good eater.
6. He has a Red-Head temperament. When he is happy, that mood can change pretty quickly! One minute he is smiling, the next he is screaming.
7. His big brother can always capture his attention.
8. He wants to be in the middle of the action, always held or in a sitting position.
9. As of last week he can sit all by himself.
10. He is now 6 months old!
11. He has the cutest giggle, which Connor brings out of him the most often.
12. He is VERY good with shots. Much better than Connor! Colby will cry for a few seconds and is back to normal quickly.
13. His hands and feet are ALWAYS cold, even when indoor w/ socks on! (Is that normal?)
14. He loves being read to.
15. He is always watching people, but if you hold him it is very hard to get him to look you in the eye. He will look at the person next to you just to spite you.
16. He drools...a lot!
17. His cheeks are rosy red.
18. He is cute.
19. He is fun.
20. Colby is AWESOME.

Colby is a character and has his very own personality. We love him. He is awesome!

Sitting up. Just like most babies, Colby is in awe of cameras.

What a cutie. I love this kid!

I thought I should share a good picture of his temper! Gotta love it!


Blair and Leslie said...

I love how excited he gets about food. I am glad that he isn't as cranky as he used to be. He is getting to be a lot more fun. I also love this kid!

Groovy Gardners said...

So cute! I wish I was better at updating things about my kids....I can't remember anything. Your boys are adorable!

Karen K. said...

He is sooooooooo blasted cute. Both your boys are.

Karen K. said...

Oh, I don't know about the cold hands/feet thing. I'm always cold too so if you figure it out let me know :)

Egghead said...

Lindsay Colby looks so much like you! Funny because I think Connor looks like David. Fun to have both isn't it? Your boys are adorable. I am laughing at that last photo....he looks like his little devil is coming out. Ha ha!